Magnetic & Hybrid Nanofluids

Magnetic & Hybrid Nanofluids

Magnetic fluids or Ferrofluids, constitute particles of magnetic materials such as magnetite, maghemite, or cobalt ferrite dispersed in a base fluid, such as water or organic solvent. They are used in various technologies today. Magnetic fluids are used in various technologies today. Applications include loudspeakers, computer hard drives, rotating shaft motors, and as a contrasting agent for MRIs.


Hybrid Nanofluids have great potential that presents exceptional thermal behavior and thermo physical properties as compared to ordinary Nanofluids. They are obtained by the mixture of two different nanoparticles in a base fluid. These kinds of Nanofluids are less damaging for environmental impact and also lead to saving energy.


Our main idea of applying Magnetic fluids and hybrid Nanofluids is to develop their performance and their advantages in the field of thermal and electrical energy for future research directions.