Advanced Coatings

A coating, from a surface engineering point of view, is a layer of material deposited onto a substrate to enhance surface properties for corrosion and wear protection. The purpose of applying the coating may be decorative, functional, or both. Coatings may be applied as liquids, gases, or solids e.g. Powder coatings.


Coatings are specified as organic or inorganic according to the nature of their binder. Organic coatings are those that have an organic binder. Inorganic coatings are those that have an inorganic binder such as a silicate. Properties of a coating, such as increased chemical resistance, increased abrasion, and impact resistance are advantages of using.


Coating provides a tough hard finish that can be applied to a variety of materials including molds and tools made from metal and plastics. Advanced coating technologies use the latest coating technologies. This enables us to offer our customers the ideal coating for each individual application without compromise.