Engineering & Smart Materials

Engineering & Smart Materials

Smart and engineering materials will help reduce weight, component size and complexity, while improving design flexibility, functionality and reliability. In addition, they are impervious to water, moisture, dust and other elements that can wreak havoc on electric motors.


Using a smart material instead of conventional mechanisms to sense and respond, can simplify devices and reduce the chance of failure. Smart materials sense changes in the environment around them and respond in a predictable manner. The main advantage of smart materials is that they give material new capabilities without the need for sensors, actuators, or electronics.


MFA carries out research to obtain materials with active additives that provide antimicrobial, antioxidant, biocidal, and insecticide properties, among others. We develop smart and engineering materials in which properties are modified in a controlled and reversible process, through the effect of external stimuli such as light, temperature, and electric and magnetic fields.