
Nanocomposites are materials that have a solid structure in which the distance between the phases is leastwise formed of a dimension with nanoscale size and general form of an inorganic matrix set in the organic phase, or vice versa, from an organic matrix set in the inorganic phase.  Nanocomposite materials can exhibit individual properties such as mechanical, chemical, electrical, optical, and catalytic properties.


The principal parameters of nanoparticles are their shape, size, surface characteristics, and inner structure. Nanoparticles can be encountered as aerosols, suspensions, or as emulsions. Nanocomposites can be formed by blending inorganic nanoclusters, fullerenes, clays, metals, oxides, or semiconductors.


The likelihood of utilizing natural resources and being environmentally friendly has also given rise to fresh opportunities for applications. We are able to take steps in this way and meet all the needs of our customers in this field.