High-Performance Composites

High-Performance Composites

Material is more complex than just its chemical composition. Its properties depend on its microstructure, which can evolve during the process or the life of the material. High-performance composites refer to composites reinforced with high-performance fibers, including carbon, glass, aramid, ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene, ceramic, quartz, boron, and new fiber such as poly fibers.


High-performance composites have been widely used in aviation, aerospace, transportation, military defense, and so on because of their excellent properties, lightweight, low cost, etc. They have increasingly replaced traditional materials such as some metals and their alloys.


At MFA, the most recent progress and challenges associated with high-performance composites are analyzed in detail, including innovative materials and processes that are emerging to answer the requirements of advanced engineering applications as well as new modeling techniques and current approaches to face economic and environmental issues.